12 Smartest Small Dog Breeds – Did Your Pint-Sized Pup Make The Honor Roll?

Are you looking for the smartest small dog breeds that will give you a run for your money? Having a smart pup is kind of like having a smart kid. They’re a bit stubborn, always getting into something they shouldn’t, and will get into a heap of trouble if they get bored!

Let’s take a look at 12 quick learning canines that stand out in the pack when it comes to doggie smarts!

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The smartest small dog breeds are the Miniature Poodle, Papillon, Shetland Sheepdog, Pomeranian, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Miniature Schnauzer, Schipperke, Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Affenpinscher, Cairn Terrier, and Miniature Pinscher.

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Generally speaking, the smartest dog breeds will obey commands in less than 5 repetitions and follow those commands more than 95% of the time.

This is according to rankings based on a dog trainer’s survey.

When it comes to measuring the intelligence of our clever canines, experts are not always in agreement on what the requirements should actually entail.

But most of the time, it’s simply based on problem-solving capabilities and the ability to train effortlessly without, well, doggie drama.

Do smarter dogs make better pets?

Of course not! We love all dogs! So if your teeny-weeny tot didn’t make our smartest small dog breeds list, it certainly doesn’t mean that you don’t have a fun-sized smartie paws on your hands.

Because behind that silly, goofy, and nutty pup, lies an intelligent, brainy, and crafty canine!

In this post, you are going to learn all about the smartest small dog breeds, a couple of the smartest medium dog breeds, and the smartest small dog breeds that don’t shed.

After learning all about these smartest small dog breeds, you will be able to find your very own quick learning canine that may even outthink you!

Wondering what dog has the highest IQ?

If you guessed the Border Collie, then you’re spot on! The prestigious title was given to this intelligent dog breed by Stanley Coren in his iconic book, The Intelligence of Dogs.

This post is all about the smartest small dog breeds that will ace any doggie IQ test!

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1. Miniature Poodle – Smartest Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

For centuries, poodles have been called “sissy dogs” in the dog kingdom. Although they may be a bit of a furry drama queen at times, they are definitely not sissies.

Miniature Poodles are classified as bright dogs that understand new commands with fewer than 5 repetitions and obey on first command more than 95% of the time.

Miniature Poodles are smart small dogs that are easy to train. These elegant and eager athletes excel in advanced obedience competitions. Their amazing retrieving and jumping skills outshine all other small dog breeds.

They also crush all other breeds in the obstacle course. Their tiny, graceful frames dashing over, under, around, and through barriers is an amazing sight to see.

Are miniature poodles good pets? You bet! These natural learners are one of the most affectionate small dog breeds on the planet.

They are canine cuddlers through and through. These peaceful poodles can’t live without the companionship and closeness of a tight-knit family.

But they do not like stress and tension. Loud voices can stress them out and make them edgy. This is when you may see the high-strung, neurotic poodle personality coming out. You want to avoid this tantrum at all costs!

Miniature Poodles are loyal to their core, make great watchdogs, and generally only bark when someone is at the door. They are the perfect pooch for seniors and retirees.

These hypoallergenic dog breeds will not appreciate you leaving them at home alone. They are part of the family and expect to be treated as such.

If you’re looking for an exceptional water retriever, a thinking dog, and an enthusiastic cuddler, then the Miniature Poodle may be your new dream pooch!

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2. Papillon – Smartest Small Dogs

The Papillon has captured the hearts of many pet parents, and Royals, for centuries. Packed inside this fun-sized body is one of the most clever canines around.

Papillons are classified as the brightest dogs that understand new commands with fewer than 5 repetitions and obey on first command 95% of the time or more.

Known as Dwarf Spaniels in the 16th and 17th centuries, these teeny-weeny pups top out at only 10 pounds and stand less than a foot tall. They are one of the smartest small dog breeds in the toy group.

Papillon translates in French to “butterfly”. These stunning, graceful little souls are known for their distinctive and spectacular butterfly-like ears, giving this small dog breed its signature name.

Is a Papillon a good family dog? Yes indeed! These toy dog breeds are extremely affectionate and get along well with other dogs and cats that may be in the household. In fact, they actually like socializing with other animals.

They are non-aggressive and have never met a stranger.

Dwarf Spaniels are comedic little creatures who love to entertain their pet parents. They are alert and energetic when performing tricks for the kids, but also calm and peaceful when it’s time for Sunday afternoon snuggles with the family.

Papillon pups think they are bigger than they really are. This little daredevil will dive headfirst into any challenge or situation without hesitation.

These social butterflies can be a bit yappy, so obedience classes may be a good idea if this animated pup will be living in an apartment setting.

If you’re on the hunt for one of the best small dog breeds that have ears like the wings of a butterfly, then the precious Papillon may be the pup for you!

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3. Shetland Sheepdog – Smartest Medium Dog Breeds

The Shetland Sheepdog is a small to medium-sized herding dog. Known as the “farmer’s best friend”, these pups love chasing anything that moves, from squirrels to rabbits, and even children!

Shetland Sheepdogs are classified as the brightest dogs that understand new commands with fewer than 5 repetitions and obey on first command 95% of the time or more.

Lovingly called Shelties, these crafty canines need a job to do. Their astonishing senses make these medical dogs perfect companions for people with illnesses, seniors, or those that need a little bit of a watchful eye.

Shelties are great family companions that always seem to have a smile on their faces. They are extremely intelligent medium dog breeds that are capable of learning hundreds of spoken words.

These protective pups make great family watchdogs due to their keen ability to sense danger.

If you’re in the market for one of the most intelligent dog breeds with beautiful blue eyes, then the sporty Shetland Sheepdog may be the adorable fluffball you’ve been looking for!

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4. Pomeranian

Categorized as toy breeds due to their tiny size, Pomeranians tip the scales at 7 pounds. They are self-assured and rarely shy, and intelligent but stubborn.

Pomeranians are classified as excellent working dogs that understand new commands within 5-15 repetitions and obey on first command more than 85% of the time.

Originating in Germany during the 16th century, these healthiest small dog breeds are energetic little souls that would rather be chasing balls all day instead of being toted around as a purse pooch.

Lovingly called Pom Poms, these smartest small dog breeds form close bonds with their families but are not overly clingy. But they do demand your full attention.

These attention-seekers will keep you laughing with their tiny comical canine tricks.

Are Pomeranians barkers? Well, yes! These mouthy babes tend to bark excessively. They are highly alert and protective of their family. In fact, your neighbors may also know when someone is approaching your door – and theirs!

Whether they are guarding the castle, warning you and your neighbors of approaching visitors, or simply barking out of boredom, these determined pups make a lot of racket.

But they are also eager to please. So with proper socialization and training, these vocal pups should be able to tone down their ear-piercing little voices to a small pint-sized yap.

If you’re shopping for a furry little energizer that’s full of fluffy personality, then the outgoing Pomeranian may be the furry fellow for you!

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5. Pembroke Welsh Corgi – Intelligent Dog Breeds

Brought to Wales in 1200 B.C. by the Celts, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a whimsical history. According to Welsh legend, these enchanted pups were once used by fairies and elves to pull their coaches and work their cattle. That’s right … fairies and elves!

The Pembroke Welsh Corgie is classified as excellent working dogs that understands new commands within 5-15 repetitions and obeys on first command more than 85% of the time.

Is Pembroke Welsh Corgi a good family dog? You bet! These intelligent dog breeds are loyal, loving, and extremely affectionate. They will likely come looking for you when it comes to snuggling time on the couch.

They are great watchdogs and will alert you as soon as they sense the presence of strangers or unusual sounds.

Some people say that if you try hard enough, you can still see the markings of the “fairy saddle” draping over the shoulders of this magical dog!

If you are on the hunt for a people-pleasing pup that ranks as the 11th brightest dog breed in the world, then the charming Pembroke Welsh Corgi may be your new handsome hound!

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6. Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest and most popular of the three Schnauzer breeds. They were created by crossing the Standard Schnauzer with Poodles and Affenpinschers.

The Miniature Schnauzer is classified as an excellent working dog and understands new commands within 5-15 repetitions and obeys on first command 85% of the time or more.

The distinctive beards and eyebrows on these inquisitive and spunky little pups give them a serious, almost human-like expression.

Is a Miniature Schnauzer a good pet? Absolutely! If you are an active pet parent that’s home most of the day and looking for an energetic housemate, then this is the pooch for you.

They are incredibly loyal and love being the center of all family activities.

These spunky little pranksters enjoy learning new tricks and performing them for their families. They are smart small dogs that are easy to train, always willing to please, and will follow you everywhere you go.

Don’t expect these clingy canines to respect your personal space.

Keep this busy pup mentally stimulated or he may have to resort to looking for his own entertainment. And you don’t want that!

If you’re looking for a portable-sized pup with sporty good looks, then the Miniature Schnauzer may be your new robust running pal!

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7. Schipperke – Unique Small Dog Breeds

Originating from Belgium, the fearless Schipperke is often referred to as the “little black devil.” It is believed that this unique dog breed was bred to be a smaller version of the now extinct Black Sheepdog.

The Schipperke is classified as excellent working dogs that understand new commands within 5-15 repetitions and obeys on first command more than 85% of the time.

These mischievous pups are quick to learn but also quick to get into trouble. But their eagerness to please, playful personalities, and adorable fox-like faces will make you forget about this little instigator’s shenanigans.

The Schipperke is energetic but not hyper, vocal but not yappy. They make great watchdogs and love playing “fetch” games with the kiddos.

These sensitive souls will follow you everywhere. They are great family companions that insist on being involved in all family activities.

Give this perky pup plenty of exercise to keep him controlled and well-behaved.

If you’re looking to snap up a fiesty little black devil with a big heart, then Schipperke could be your new bubbly bestie!

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8. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are one of the most popular dog breeds on the planet. They are also one of the winningest pups in dog shows. These graceful but athletic pups are the smallest of the American Kennel Club sporting dogs.

Cocker Spaniels are classified as excellent working dogs that understand new commands within 5-15 repetitions and obey first commands more than 85% of the time.

Is the Cocker Spaniel a good family dog? Absolutely! Lovingly called the “Merry Cocker”, these smartest medium dog breeds are gentle, affectionate, and friendly.

They are endlessly patient with kiddos and their gentle and calm demeanor makes them great emotional support dogs. In fact, these sensitive souls are often found serving as assistance dogs for children with special needs.

Cocker Spaniels have outgoing and friendly personalities and are non-aggressive towards other animals and people.

This prim and proper pup with long flowing locks is also a rough-and-tumble sort of pooch. They are born hunters that love doggie sports and lots of playtime with their families.

They are happy with apartment living or in a large backyard. As long as they are with you!

The expressive faces and adorable behaviors of this precious pooch will make you want to lavish them with attention and affection.

Simply put, these dogs are just a joy to be around.

If you’re looking for daytime adventures followed by downtime filled with cuddles, then the cozy Cocker Spaniel is the heart-warming hound for you!

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9. Yorkshire Terrier – Best Family Dogs That Don’t Shed

Originating in England, these fiesty and fierce pups pack a lot of personality in their tiny little frames. Topping out at 7 pounds, they are the smallest of the terrier breeds.

Yorkshire Terriers are classified as above-average working dogs that understand new commands within 15-25 repetitions and obey on first command more than 70% of the time.

Commonly called “Yorkies”, these hypoallergenic dogs are more than just a pretty face. They were once used as rat hunters in textile mills and mines.

Yorkies have an adventurous spirit and seem to be oblivious to their tiny size. These busy-bodies love to travel with you and make great pint-size purse pups.

Bright, lively, and spunky, these fearless creatures do better in a home that has older, well-behaved kiddos.

If you’re searching for a small but mighty pup that is energetic but also loves a good cuddle, then the courageous Yorkshire Terrier may be your perfect pooch match!

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10. Affenpinscher

Just look at the mischievous faces of these healthiest small dog breeds. These Monkey Terriers are small dogs with big dog attitudes. They are self-confident, curious, and clever with an air of comedic seriousness.

The Affenpinscher is classified as an above-average working dog that understands commands within 15-25 repetitions and obeys on first command more than 70% of the time.

Also known as Affens, these tiny but fearless pups won’t make a proper guard dog due to their small size. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try.

They are quick to sound off and alert you if anything seems suspicious.

These hilarious hounds love showing off and performing goofy tricks for their humans. They are loyal and loving intelligent dog breeds that want to be by your side at all times.

These rare small dog breeds are sneaky and fiesty, but charming and comical.

Affenpinschers have been described as less bouncy than a Pomeranian but more energetic than a lap dog.

If you’re on the hunt for your very own Ewok sidekick, then the quick-witted Affenpinscher may be the crafty canine that you’ve been looking for!

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11. Cairn Terrier – Small Dog Breeds

Meet Toto, Dorothy’s furry sidekick in The Wizard of Oz. These intelligent and versatile movie stars originated in the Scottish Highlands.

Cairn Terriers are classified as above-average working dogs that understand new commands within 15-25 repetitions and obey on first command 70% of the time or more.

Also known as Cairns, these adorable terrier breeds earned their name from digging through small piles of rocks called “cairns” so they could get to the rodents living below. They were also bred to hunt foxes in their dens in Scotland.

Is a Cairn Terrier a good family dog? You bet! Kids and Cairns are a match made in heaven. These pups are wonderful companions and are gentle and protective of their families.

They are always up for a long walk in the park, playing fetch with the kiddos, or chasing rabbits and squirrels in the backyard.

You’ll definitely get a snuggle or two from these cozy canines, but then it’s back to game time.

These intelligent dog breeds love being taught new tricks. They are smart and independent with an adorable fox-like expression that you just can’t resist.

Although Cairn Terriers can be a little bossy around other pets, they are loyal, curious, and quick to learn. They are also very adaptable and can adjust to almost any living situation.

This makes them ideal for first-time pet parents.

You’ll also find these furry celebrities in other movies like “Twister” and our favorite family Halloween classic “Hocus Pocus”.

If your idea of a handsome hound is one that is alert, animated, and entertaining, then the comical Cairn Terrier may be your new furry costar!

For more information on this loving breed, visit the Cairn Terrier Club of America.

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12. Miniature Pinscher

Also called the Min Pin and known as the “King of Toys”, this small dog breed is proud, fearless, and fun-loving. Originating in Germany, breed historians believe that the Dachshund and Italian Greyhound created the Miniature Pinscher.

The Miniature Pinscher is classified as an above-average working dog that understands new commands within 15-25 repetitions and obeys on first command 70% of the time or more.

Min Pins are considered one of the most energetic dogs in the world. Although they learn easily, they are also easily bored and distracted.

The “King of Toys” are small, compact little pups. They are proud and courageous and, even though he may know that he is pint-sized, he simply doesn’t care.

Is a Miniature Pinscher a good family dog? Yes. As long as he has firm rules, proper boundaries, and fair limitations, this feisty, assertive, and independent pup will be a terrific tiny companion.

These smartest dogs that are easy to train are generally good with other pets in the house, get along well with children, and are loyal to a fault.

As with most dogs, their behavior depends on how they are treated. Don’t let this sassy, playful pup fall into the Small Dog Syndrome.

Small Dog Syndrome is a behavior in which a dog thinks he is the pack leader over his humans. This can cause a once precious pooch to become demanding and headstrong, possibly resulting in aggression with other dogs.

Owners must provide firm, but positive leadership. He should know that his owner is the boss.

Miniature Pinschers are a little mouthy and will alert you of anything, everything, and nothing. Barking may be a bit hard to control. So if you’re looking for a quiet dog breed, then this little mouthpiece may not be the pup for you.

But, if you’re shopping for a small-scale, vocal little pup that will make an enthusiastic and energetic companion, then the Miniature Pinscher could be your new furry housemate!

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Summing It All Up – Smartest Small Dog Breeds

Doggie smarts come in all forms, just like human intelligence.

Some of the smartest small dog breeds can be active little energizers, and some can be cozy couch potatoes. Some thrive in apartment settings while others need room to roam.

Proud pet parents passionately defend their dog breed of choice. And for good reason! But is your precious pup smarter than the average handsome hound? And just how important is that?

While this list contained 12 of the most intelligent small dog breeds based on the rankings from a dog trainer’s survey, some traits just simply can’t be measured.

How about the rankings for the best cozy companion? Or the best furry friends that we couldn’t live without?

For most dog lovers, these things are just as important, if not more, than doggie IQ.

But in the end, I think we can all agree that you must choose the ideal furry housemate that best suits your living conditions, family, and lifestyle.

Do this and you will have the perfect playful pal that will give you a lifetime of happiness!

This post was all about the smartest small dog breeds that are simple to train and easy to love!

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Dog mom of two funny, loving, and just plain cute puppies!

Articles: 41


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