5 Weird Dog Behaviors That Are Oddly Interesting And Strangely Fascinating

Sometimes, our perfect pups can exhibit weird dog behaviors that we just can’t seem to wrap our heads around.

Let’s investigate some of these wacky and weird dog behaviors that are sometimes bizarre, a little gross, and always baffling!

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Weird dog behaviors include finding the perfect poop place, butt scooting, eating gross things, licking their paws, and zoomies.

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There are loads of fascinating, hilarious, and eccentric behaviors that our favorite furry friends throw at us.

Even for us seasoned pet parents, there is still a list of dog behaviors that can surprise us, disgust us a little, then make us proud all over again.

But if you’re just starting out on your new pup journey, some of these weird dog behaviors may have you scratching your head in complete and utter confusion.

And that’s ok!

While our babies are incredibly affectionate, love us unconditionally, and always keep us laughing, they will also exhibit a not-so-adorable side sometimes.

So, what are weird dog behaviors?

In this post, you will learn all about weird dog behaviors and what they mean, strange dog behaviors explained, and we’ll answer the question that all new pet parents are asking, “why is my dog doing weird things“?

After learning all about these weird dog behaviors, you’ll have a better understanding of why your cuddly canine is flaunting these strange dog behaviors that make us cringe!

And, stick around until the end for a little added bonus!

This post is all about understanding the unsettling and weird dog behaviors that our precious pups love to show us!

After reading this post, if you would like to learn more about the strange behaviors of your loving pooch, take a look at our related post, 5 Strange Dog Behaviors That Make Us Cringe.

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1. Finding The Perfect Pup Poop Place

Here is a scenario that is all too familiar to loving pet parents.

It’s the early morning hours. It’s cold, dark, and a little scary outside. But you have to let your picky pooper out to do his deed.

Your hands are numb, your lips are blue, and your eyelids are beginning to freeze shut.

You know he needs to go. And he knows that you know that he needs to go.

And still, no poop, no doodle, no luck.

Why, why, why? Is he stalling on purpose? Just drop the deuce already!

Well, there may just be a scientific reason behind the everlasting hunt for the perfect doodle-dropping destiny.

While it could be that they are sniffing out other dogs’ scents, or maybe they’re having a little early morning stage fright, it could also be blamed on the earth’s magnetic poles.

Yep, you read that right.

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Is Mother Earth To Blame?

The never-ending poop wait-time and endless dog circling before assuming the position has long been a researcher’s dilemma when trying to gather data on this weird dog behavior.

But, after years of putting pen to paper and gathering loads of doggie data, the bizarre conclusion for this canine quandary is …

Wait for it…

It all has to do with the earth’s magnetic field.

That’s right. The exact location of where your best little buddy will pop a squat depends on mother earth.

Not only that, but research shows that your picky pooper will choose to do so on a north-south axis.


While this all sounds so, well, scientific, sometimes I think it’s really just because our cold-loving canines like taking their sweet time dropping their little poopsicles while our teeth are chattering.

And even though I love my precious pups dearly, I’m not so sure if they’re in-tune enough to suddenly decide that they want to align their tiny bodies along the north-south axis before their poop party begins.

But, who knows. Do you believe the science?

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2. Butt Scooting Babes

Put your dinner away and let’s chat about our pups anus.

That’s right … anus.

If you’ve been a proud pet parent for even a short time, you’ve probably noticed your handsome hound scooting across the floor.

It’s certainly a peculiar sight to see. Butt on the floor, legs in the air, and gliding through your den with ease. Your beloved pup will most likely have the look of genuine content and feel-good happiness all over his face during this skillful maneuver.

While this sudden strange dog behavior is certainly embarrassing for us and only seems to happen when we have guests, it’s no picnic for our pooch either.

Think of it as your sweet pup telling you, “Hey, something’s not right with my butt!”

What Is The Most Common Reason For Scooting In Dogs?

Here are a few of the culprits that could be causing your babes’ butt scooting madness:

  • the normal everyday general itching
  • skin irritations after grooming
  • food allergies
  • a dirty backside
  • a low fiber diet
  • anal sac impaction or backup

Chances are, this weird dog behavior is due to simple skin irritation, or from something hanging from the area around back.

No one likes that.

They may just do a scoot or two because they want to get the dangling doodle off their backside.

And you can help with that.

Grab a soft washcloth and clean the area with a gentle shampoo. Make sure all the soap is rinsed off and pat dry the area with a towel.

Sometimes our Shihpoo, Maggie, gets a “hanger” after her morning poop.

While this is terrifying to us, our anxious little pup can normally sprint around the yard like a maniac until the unmentionable falls off.

You have no idea what a huge relief this is to us! Just wait, you’ll see.

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But sometimes, your little buddy could be doing the butt scoot due to anal sac impaction.

I warned you to put your dinner away.

Here’s a quick anatomy lesson on your dog’s anus:

Our little bundles of cuteness’ anal glands are made up of two small internal sacs positioned on either side of the anus. These sacs contain a smelly liquid that is expelled every time our pup poops, kind of like marking their territory.

But if your dog’s sacs are inflamed, this prevents the liquid from being expelled and instead builds up inside the two sacs.

This liquid can become very thick, almost like a paste rather than a liquid.

I know, but let’s keep going.

Each time your puppy poops, a scent from the two small anal glands is emptied from the sac. If these glands become irritated, swollen, or infected, the scented liquid gets trapped inside the glands.

As this area continues to become swollen, it causes the tiny ducts that empty the anal sacs to swell shut.

When this happens, your hurting hound may try to relieve the pain by scooting.

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When Should I Take My Little Scooter To The Vet?

While I am no anal sac professional, in my opinion, the safest thing to do for your adorable butt scooter is to take your loving pooch to the vet to be evaluated by a professional.

Although I am painfully aware that there are some pet parents that empty their pup’s anal sacs themselves, some of us can’t quite grasp the concept of inserting our finger into our dog’s anus.

No one wants that, including our cuddly canines.

Hold on, we’re not done yet.

Once we’re in there, we are supposed to squeeze the glands until fluid comes out.

I want to remind you that this fluid is not odorless and could induce vomiting in the humans that are bravely attempting this maneuver.

To me, this does not sound like a skill that most pet parents can conquer.

Seek a professional so that your caring canine doesn’t have to suffer while you’re messing around in there.

We all want to do what’s best for our furry family members, and the most common causes of butt scooting are perfectly normal.

But, if the scooting continues for more than a day or two, it’s time to get your pup evaluated by your veterinarian.

{RELATED POST: 17 Hidden Signs Of Pain In Dogs And How You Can Help}

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3. Why Does My Dog Eat Gross Things?

Have you ever been in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove while preparing a homemade, gourmet pet-friendly dinner for your favorite hungry hound, only to have him turn his nose up and go outside to eat dirt, or even poop or vomit?

Well, you’re not alone.

Our kind-hearted canines’ sense of taste is astronomically different from ours.

According to the latest research, our pup’s GI tract can process bacteria and other nasty things that would make us extremely sick. And, they are often able to fish out some nutritional value from these disgusting things like vomit and poop.

But, like us and our bad eating habits, make sure your craving canine is doing these weird things that dogs do in moderation only.

If you notice that your dining dog is consuming large amounts of strange things, or maybe he is just not himself, it’s time to visit the vet to make sure there is no underlying medical issue to this madness.

{RELATED POST: 5 Strange Dog Behaviors That Make Us Cringe}

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4. Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?

You may notice your little exercising buddy licking his paws after going for a walk, after playtime, or when they stop activities to take a rest.

Why does my dog lick his paws so much? Licking releases the self-soothing, feel-good hormones in our handsome hounds.

Licking can also be a sign of anxiety in your nervous pup, or he could just be licking out of boredom.

But if your little licker is licking excessively or chewing on his paws, environmental allergies could be the culprit. These annoying allergens from grasses or pollens are the number one reason for your grass-loving pooch to nibble on their paws.

You can help your pooch out by checking between the paw pads and toes for any excessive redness. Sometimes grass seeds or rocks can be stuck in the paw pad.

Our older pups may lick due to pain from osteoarthritis.

There could also be a cut or even an interdigital cyst between your pup’s toes. These cysts are usually associated with a bacterial infection.

With interdigital cysts, you may notice your dog limping, along with chewing, nibbling, and licking their paws.

Most of the time, this licking fiasco is completely natural. But if your beloved pup is licking so much that he creates a sore or red skin, it’s time to visit your veterinarian.

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5. What’s Up With Those Zoomies?

You and your little bestie have settled in for the night. Popcorn in hand, movie on the big screen. All is quiet.

When all of a sudden, your dozing dog makes eye contact with you, gets that wild and crazy look in his eyes, stands as still as a statue, and then takes off running with a burst of energy like a crazy person.

This is the zoomies!

Zoomies are a sudden release of energy in dogs. There’s even a scientific term for this sudden strange dog behavior – FRAPS – frenetic random activity periods.

Do zoomies mean dogs are happy? Absolutely! This is completely normal behavior for dogs and actually means that your pup is happy, content, and carefree.

Zoomies are a sign of cheerfulness. They are a frantic yet euphoric-looking dash they make around the house.

You may notice zoomies after a bath when your clean canine is feeling refreshed and looking their best. Or when you return home and they’re so excited to see you.

Embrace the zoomies! This is your pup’s way of telling you that you are doing everything right!

{RELATED POST: 5 Adorable Dog Behaviors That Prove Your Pooch Loves You}

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Bonus Snippet: Do Your Dog’s Paws Smell Like Frito B.O.?

The first question you’re probably asking yourself is, “Why are people smelling their dog’s feet in the first place?”

Well, sometimes we don’t find the smell, but the smell finds us.

So, who doesn’t love a good ole Frito Pie? Pet parents everywhere recognize this distinct body odor on the foot of their clean canines.

What causes Frito feet in dogs? The culprit for this corn chip aroma is two naturally occurring bacteria called Pseudomonas and Proteus.

Our devoted dogs’ only sweat glands are between their adorable little paws. So whenever sweat gets trapped in the small fur areas between the pads, we have the stench of, well, Frito Pie.

How do you treat a dog’s Frito feet? Keep the funk down by washing your sassy little stinkpot with a gentle doggie shampoo and make sure you dry between the toes thoroughly.

Trim the hair around the pads very carefully, throw on a little doggie cologne, and your little bestie’s paws will come out smelling like a rose!

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Summing It All Up – Weird Dog Behaviors

Dogs are complex little creatures. They’re our best friends. They’re here when we need them, they don’t judge us, and their adorable little faces always make us smile.

And while most weird dog behaviors are completely normal, others can be a sign of health problems.

If your little buddy is doing anything that is concerning to you, it’s always best to call your veterinarian. If nothing else, it will give you peace of mind knowing that your faithful bestie is in tip-top shape.

And even though we think that our precious pooch is doing things that are unusual, gross, and downright disgusting, oftentimes it’s just dogs being dogs!

This post was all about the weird dog behaviors that will make your pet parent journey even more entertaining than you ever imagined!

Does your precious pooch have a weird or gross behavior that we haven’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments!

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Dog mom of two funny, loving, and just plain cute puppies!

Articles: 41


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